Team Fieldly in Numbers - Fieldly
February 22, 2021

Team Fieldly in Numbers!

Linnéa Ivarsson & Karin Höckert

What started out as a small start-up with two enthusiastic entrepreneurs wanting to change the future of construction turned into a fast growing company with over 45 (!) employees. So, it’s about time for you to get to know the team behind the success. Who are they? Where do they live? And what do they think about Fieldly? Say hello to Team Fieldly - the brilliant bunch of people working everyday for a better, smoother and more efficient construction industry!

3 is the magic number 

33 seems to be the golden age when working at Fieldly. 16% of our team members share this magic number - although the age of the team spreads all the way from 22 to 55 years. In our opinion, a very good mix.

A bag full of experience 

Before joining Fieldly, we’ve worked at some really cool and well known companies. Samsung, Lime Technologies, IKEA, TV4, Prada and Universal Music, to name a few. Bringing tons of experience from these workplaces, we sure have a lot of different perspectives and a multitude of skills to bring to the journey towards the future of construction! 

6 countries, 18 cities 

It’s safe to say that Team Fieldly is a global team, working from all over Europe. We live in 18 different cities and 6 different countries, and still, working together is a breeze - simply because we’re real pro’s at remote work. 

Growing at the speed of light!

Fieldy is growing at the speed of light! Awesome, right? That means that almost 50% of us are quite new and have worked here for about two years. Which also means that the rest of Team Fieldly have been in the game for quite a while! Well, at least 2-7 years (in other words, since the Fieldly story started). Not bad at all, we would say! 

A well educated bunch of people

It’s safe to say that we are a well educated bunch of people, with different backgrounds and experiences. Together, we’ve studied at 10 different universities, all around the world. From California to Denmark to Poland to Sweden Team Fieldly has studied all kinds of different programmes and majors. Quite cool, huh? 

We love to hike! 

In our spare time, we apparently love to hike! When asking the entire team about their favorite hobby, hiking ended up being the obvious winner, closely followed by travelling, playing padel and programming. We’re obviously good at keeping that famous work-life-balance. 

Multilingual, to say the least 

Since Team Fieldly consists of a great group of people from all over the world, it’s quite easy to figure out that we have some serious language-skills among us. No less than 12 different languages are spoken in the team - which means that anyone up for a language challenge can learn to say hi in both swedish, danish, english, italian, spanish, french, chinese, lithuanian, russian, hungarian, polish and german.

22 Fieldly kiddos! 

A lot of the members of Team Fieldly have mini humans at home, and therefore know all about dinosaurs/baby sharks/babblarna and other things they find fun and interesting. All together, team Fieldly has no less than 22 kids - so combining family life with work is obviously no problem when working at Fieldly. 

We love pets! 

At Fieldly, we love pets! We have our very own office dog in the Malmö HQ, and quite a few of us have at least one pet at home. The number one Fieldly pet seems to be fluffy cat, closely followed by dog, rabbit and parrot. And let’s be honest - pets are life, right? 

The best thing about Fieldly? 

Working at a company as great as Fieldly, it’s hard to pick just one thing as the single best. But when the entire team was faced with this quite difficult task, three things stood out very clear: the team spirit, the drive and the great atmosphere. Pretty good things, if we may say so ourselves! 

Great taste in TV-series!

One thing is certain - Team Fieldly sure has great taste in TV-series. So, brace yourselves - here comes the ultimate series tips list from Fieldly:

  1. Game of Thrones
  2. Chernobyl
  3. The Wire
  4. Suits 
  5. The Office 

Tea or coffee?

Not that there’s any competition between tea drinkers and coffee drinkers, but when asking straight out, coffee seems to be the company drink number 1, winning over tea with 69%. Maybe the fact that we have a really good coffee machine at the Malmö HQ has something to do with?

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