Meet Aleksandra Grunwald - Fieldly’s Front End Developer

Meet Aleksandra Grunwald - Fieldly’s sporty and design interested Front End Developer!

Karin Höckert

She does a pretty decent back flip and even though coffee is said to be fuel for developers she’s a dedicated tea person. With a background in graphic design she’s the proud creator of the Dell Alienware 20th anniversary t-shirt design, and in Fieldly she does daily magic by creating new modals, tables and features. Meet Aleksandra Grunwald - Fieldly’s sporty and design interested Front End Developer!

Sports, design and gaming - a lot up her sleeve! 

Aleksandra certainly has a bag full of exciting experience and interests! She is, to say the least, a very sporty person who enjoys both gymnastics, basketball and tennis. During the pandemic she took up skateboarding, and is now learning all of those cool tricks she wanted to do as a kid. She’s also interested in gaming and gaming history, especially Nintendo, and really enjoys playing a game or two. 

Aleksandra + Fieldly = a perfect fit!

When it comes to education and career her big design interest has been a guiding star, and before Fieldly Aleksandra worked as a Front End Developer at Generali, EY and PZU. Today Aleksandra has been a part of Team Fieldly for almost a year, but what led her here in the first place? The simple reason is that Fieldly is built within the framework she wants to work, which made Fieldly and Aleksandra a really good fit. And besides that, Aleksandra found her new Fieldly colleagues both friendly and chatty and she immediately felt at home, and now we are very happy to hear that feeling is still very much alive:

“I feel like an important part of the team, even though we are spread all across Europe. We are encouraged to speak if we feel something doesn't work as well as it could be, and I really feel that what I do is appreciated - even on a daily basis!”

Making magic on a daily basis

Working from Poland, Aleksandra is a part of the Engineering Team, developing the Fieldly web application. As mentioned before, Aleksandra is into design which also is a very present element in her daily job. And sometimes it even feels like magic:

“I really like to see that the code is 'translated' into shapes, colors and moving images. I know it's not magic, but it always kind of feels like magic to me. It’s almost a little bit like using spells to tell the machine what it should do”

Highly appreciated, open minded and eager to learn

So what’s the best thing about Fieldly? Aleksandra really appreciates working in an industry where self-development is highly encouraged. Besides that she enjoys the open and friendly Fieldly atmosphere, and her very helpful colleagues who are always willing to share their knowledge. It’s clear Aleksandra is a highly appreciated team member and Magda Malinowska, VP Engineering at Fieldly, describes her as a great colleague with a lot of good qualities:

What I admire most about Ola (polish nickname for Aleksandra) is that she’s super open minded, always eager to learn and never afraid to ask questions and start discussions. And beside being a solid frontend developer she is also an acrobat!

We couldn't agree more - Fieldly truly consists of a great bunch of nice people both eager to help and learn, and we are so happy to have Aleksandra onboard! She is a highly appreciated colleague and a great Front End Developer, and we look forward to continuing the very exciting journey towards the future of construction together! 

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