Meet Eitvydas - the superstar marketer of Fieldly!

Linnéa Ivarsson

Once a professional bowling player, now a professional marketer. Eitvydas Rastutis is the marketing superstar who loves hiking, traveling and stand-up paddling. Always positive, easy going and ready to help, Eitvydas is a highly appreciated colleague and invaluable asset in team Fieldly!

From Lithuania, via Denmark to Sweden and Fieldly

Born and raised in beautiful Lithuania, the young Eitvydas had no plans of moving abroad, let alone ending up in Sweden. But after graduating high school his interest in business and marketing brought him to Denmark, where he studied a Bachelor’s program in International Business and Marketing and a Master’s program in Business Innovation at Aarhus University. As a part of his Master’s Eitvydas started looking for an internship, and as he was searching for an interesting, fast growing startup company, he came across Fieldly, a company which seemed to be the perfect match. And a perfect match it was, from both sides. After a meeting with Sven, the co-founder and CMO, Eitvydas was hired.

Senior Superstar Marketer

Time flies, and what started out as a three month internship led to a permanent position, and this September Eitvydas celebrated three years at Fieldly. Three years as a highly appreciated part of the marketing team, whose main mission is to spread the word about Fieldly’s fantastic digital project management system to the entire construction industry. In his role as a Senior Marketer Eitvydas main responsibilities consist of making sure the website is up-to-date and functioning properly, designing graphical content for different channels and making sure that the inbound prospects are taken care of in the best possible way - all of which he manages brilliantly.  It’s easy to say that Eitvydas is a real superstar marketer, which most likely is due to his great interest in marketing - an area where he can combine his two great strengths:

“The best part of working with marketing is the ability to combine my two strengths: design and analytics. I really enjoy creating new things, and since marketing is always evolving, it allows me to learn something new every day.”

His motivation comes from truly believing in the team, the goal and the product, and to be surrounded by a great team.

“My motivation comes from truly believing in our team, goal, and product. I know that we have the smartest people, who are working side by side to create a tool that greatly improves the way the construction industry is working today.”

A guy to count on - through thick and thin

Besides being a true marketing superstar, Eitvydas is always eager to help out - with pretty much everything. There is no favor you can’t ask for and there is no question he can’t answer. Eitvydas is simply the guy to count on through thick and thin, and we are so happy to have him on the team. And luckily for us, the appreciation seems to be mutual.

“Fieldly is a great company to work at. We work together, we celebrate together and it feels like a home away from home.”

Eitvydas + Fieldly = the perfect match

What started out as an internship turned out to be the perfect match. Eitvydas found a company where he gets to practice and develop his biggest interest, and Fieldly found a marketing superstar and loyal colleague. We are more than happy to have him in team Fieldly, and look forward to having him on board the journey towards a new, transformed construction industry!

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